The 2024 Short. Sweet. Film Fest. wrapped on March 3, 2024 and we are proud that Cinestruct was able to bring Cinevite Pledge to the festival to support the filmmakers screening their films.
Forty films from the festival were enrolled and featured on the Cinevite platform, raising a collective $1,000 to meet the funding goal set by Short. Sweet. Film Fest. for their Cinevite Pledge campaign. The 2024 Short. Sweet. Film Fest. was also a participant in the Cinestruct Matching Pledge Program, providing even more value for participating filmmakers. Three films—SOUND MIRAGE, co-directed by Georga Morgan-Fleming and José Herrera, Green Humanity, directed by Garrett Miller, and Lice, directed by Olivia Dance—individually raised over $100 in pledge contributions. SOUND MIRAGE raised the most funding through Cinevite Pledge at the festival, bringing in $545 in pledge contributions.
Cinevite Pledge represents an innovation that gives filmmakers the maximum financial value they may get from screening their films at film festivals. It provides filmmakers the financial opportunity to bolster their film careers. The funds pledged to the films go a long way. Among the uses defined by the filmmakers for how the pledge contributions will be used, the funds will allow for “future projects to have higher quality, more possibility for distribution, [and aid for] crew compensation.” Cinestruct is excited to provide a pathway to support these and other use cases for pledged funds.
We also found immense opportunity for festivals to use the Cinevite Connect platform to better engage with filmmakers and others at the festival. The listing for the 2024 Short. Sweet. Film Fest. on the Cinevite Connect platform had over 40 followers - primarily filmmakers. This engagement represents a new and exciting way for festivals to engage with participating filmmakers using the extensive utilities available through the Cinevite Connect platform. We will continue to mature this area so that festivals can take advantage of this incredible opportunity.
Cinevite Pledge at the Short. Sweet. Film Fest. was a resounding success and is clear proof of the value that Cinevite provides to festivals and filmmakers alike. Of course, none of this success would have been realized without the commitment and vision from Mike Suglio and the rest of Short. Sweet. Film Fest. team. Their passion for supporting short film filmmakers is unparalleled. We are honored to have partnered with the festival and cannot wait to see what is in store for the next edition of the Short. Sweet. Film Fest. in 2025.
The Short. Sweet. Film Fest. is the largest shorts-only film festival in the city of Cleveland, Ohio. This year, the festival screened more than 300 short films over five days from February 28 to March 3. To learn more about the Short. Sweet. Film Fest., please visit their website.
Award recipients of the Cinestruct Matching Pledge Program will be announced soon.
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